Thursday 31 March 2011

Cultural & Historical Place at Turkey - Part 2

  • Bosphorus Boat

We call the Bosphorus ferry as the Beggar Ferry, due that it stops almost in every port a long the Bosphorus waterway and Begs:) for passengers.. When you take the boat from Eminonu to Anadolu kavagi after a tour of around 1,5 hrs you will reach the fortress at the connection of Black sea.. During your tour you will see very nice houses, old buildings along the Bosphorus and you will enjoy traveling between Europe to Asia and back again.. 
  • Anatolian Fortresses

A 14th century castle from the Ottoman's first attempt to capture Istanbul, Anatolian Fortress is located on the Asian shore of the city at the narrowest point of the Bosphorus Strait. Sultan Yildirim Bayezit built this fortress in 1395 on the ruins of an old temple dedicated to Zeus. Its towers are about 25 meters (82 feet) high with 2-5 meters (7-16 feet) tickness. The fortress was also named "Güzelce Hisar" in some historical documents. Today, Anadolu Hisari is an open air museum but only outer walls can be visited, and the road passes just through it.
  • Suleymaniye Mosque

The Süleymaniye Mosque is an Ottoman imperial mosque located on the Third Hill of Istanbul, Turkey. It is the second largest mosque in the city, and one of the best-known sights of Istanbul. The Süleymaniye Mosque was built on the order of Sultan Süleyman. The construction work began in 1550 and the mosque was finished in 1558. The structure is nevertheless smaller in size than its older archetype, the Hagia Sophia.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Cultural & Historical Place at Turkey - Part 1

  • Museum of Islamic Civilization - Topkapi Palace

The Topkapı Palace is a palace in Istanbul, Turkey, which was the official and primary residence in the city of the Ottoman Sultans for approximately 400 years. The palace was a setting for state occasions and royal entertainments and is a major tourist attraction today, containing the most holy relics of the Muslim world such as the Prophet Muhammad cloak and sword. Topkapı Palace is among those monuments belonging to the "Historic Areas of Istanbul", which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. 

  • Blue Mosque - Hagia Sofia

In 1935, the first Turkish President and founder of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, transformed the building into a museum. 

  • Galata Tower 
The Galata Tower is a medieval stone tower in the Galata district of Istanbul, Turkey, just to the north of the Golden Horn. One of the city's most striking landmarks, it is a high, cone-capped cylinder that dominates the skyline and affords a panoramic vista of Old Istanbul and its environs. The nine-story tower is 66.90 meters tall was the city's tallest structure when it was built.Entrance to the tower costs 10 TL (Turkish Lira).

  • Istiklal Street

İstiklal Avenue is one of the most famous avenues in Istanbul, Turkey. Located in the historic Beyoğlu district, it is an elegant pedestrian street, approximately three kilometers long, which houses exquisite boutiques, music stores, bookstores, art galleries, cinemas, theaters, libraries, cafés, pubs, night clubs with live music, historical patisseries, chocolateries and restaurants.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Education System in Turkey

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, every citizen has the right to education which is free of charge for the compulsory primary education. Except in specially licensed and foreign institutions, Turkish must be taught as the mother tongue.

The Ministry of National Education (MEB) runs educational administration of the country and is responsible for drawing up curricula, coordinating the work of official, private and voluntary organizations, designing and building schools, developing educational materials and so on. The Supreme Council of National Education discusses and decides on curricula and regulations prepared by the Ministry. In the provinces, educational affairs are organized by the Directorates of National Education appointed by the Minister, but working under the direction of the provincial governor.

The central government is responsible for all educational expenses of the public, about 10% of the general budget is allocated for national education.

The academic calendar generally begins in late September and extends through to early June, with some variations between urban and rural areas. The school day usually have a morning and an afternoon session, but in overcrowded schools there is a split session. Schools are in session for five days a week (Monday to Friday) in a total of 35-40 hours. There is a two week winter break in February. Universities usually organize the academic year into two semesters, usually between October - January and between February/March - June/July.

The Turkish National Educational System is composed of two main sections: Formal Education and Non-formal Education.

Formal education is the regular education of individuals in a certain age group and given in schools. This includes Pre-Primary education, Primary education, Secondary education and Higher education institutions.
  • Pre-Primary education

Pre-Primary education is an optional education for children between 3-6 years of age who are under the age of compulsory primary education. The purpose of this education is to ensure physical, mental and sensory development of children and the acquisition of good habits, to prepare children for primary education, to create a common atmosphere of growth for those living in inconvenient circumstances and to ensure that Turkish is spoken correct and well. Pre-school education is given in kindergartens, daycare homes, nursery classes in primary schools, and in private nurseries, all under the supervision of the Ministry. They are usually concentrated in larger towns and cities.
  • Primary Education

With a new Law in 1997, eight years of Primary school is compulsory today (former system was five years of compulsory primary school, followed by three years of middle or junior high school education). Primary education is compulsory for all boys and girls at the age of 6, and is given free of charge in public schools. These schools provide eight years of uninterrupted education. There are also private (and paid) schools under State control. In most of the primary schools, foreign language lessons start from 4th class. Most elementary school students dress similarly in a type of uniform to avoid any social class differences between rich and poor students. If the children fails to pass the class, he/she has to repeat the same class next year. At the end of 8 years, successful students get their Diploma and can go for the Secondary education.

The purpose of primary education is to ensure that every child acquires the basic knowledge, skills, behaviors, and habits to become a good citizen, is raised in line with the national moral concepts and is prepared for life and for the next education level parallel to his/her interests and skills.
  • Secondary Education

Secondary education covers general, vocational and technical high schools (Lycees, Lise in Turkish) that provide four years of education (used to be 3 years until 2005).

General high schools prepare students for higher learning institutions. Some of the secondary schools and the private secondary schools have foreign language preparatory classes. This kind of private lycees have double language education (such as Italian Highschool, German Highschool, Austrian Highschool, French Highschool, and so on).

Vocational and technical high schools provide specialized instruction with the aim of training qualified personnel.

Technical lycees include special formations such as electricity, electronics, chemistry, machinery, motors, building, etc.

Vocational lycees can be Industrial Vocational Lycees; Girls' Vocational Lycees (home economics etc.), Public Health Vocational Lycees, Commercial Vocational Lycees, Agricultural Vocational Lycees, Meteorology Vocational Lycees, Animal Husbandry Vocational Lycees, Land Registration and Cadastre Vocational Lycees, etc.

The purpose of secondary education is to give students a minimum common culture, to identify individual and social problems, to search for solutions, to raise awareness in order to contribute to the socio-economic and cultural development of the country and to prepare the students for higher education, for profession, for life and for business in line with their interests and skills.

In addition to normal high schools, there are also evening high schools usually operating in the same school building. These are designed to allow those who take up employment after primary (or middle school) to continue their formal education.

Most of the high schools are owned by the State and provide free educational opportunities. In order to provide equal opportunities for the children with limited finances, there are State high schools with boarding facilities. These schools are free of charge and the students are placed according to the results of an examination.

Graduates of the high schools can attend universities if they can pass admission exams.
  • Higher Education

Turkish universities are Republican institutions, following Atatürk's principles. Universities, faculties, institutes, higher education schools, conservatories, vocational higher education schools, police and military academies and colleges, and application-research centers are considered as Higher Education institutions.

Universities, faculties and institutes of four-year higher education schools are founded by Law, while the two-year vocational schools, departments and divisions are established by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK). Universities are under the supervision of this Council and their programmes must be regularly accredited. The Council of Higher Education is a fully autonomous national board of trustees without any political or government affiliation. Universities have their rectors, deans, senate, and administrative boards, as well as student councils. In the universities, the instruction is generally in Turkish. Some universities use English, French and German as the language of instruction with one preparatory year if necessary.

After the highschool, the graduates enter an one-stage examination (ÖSS - Student Selection Examination) in order to be admitted to Higher Education institutions. This nation-wide centralized examination is administrated by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) every year, which determines candidates for the enrollment of each university and faculty after evaluating the grades of related subjects, their high school average results and their preferences according to the student capacity of each faculty. Those with good grades are qualified for the four-year undergraduate programmes and at the end they can get a Bachelor's Degree (BA), those who have grades at the limit can be admitted to the two-year higher education programmes and at the end they can get an Associate's Degree (AA). Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine courses last for five years and Medicine for six years.

After a four-year faculty, one can go further for his/her Master's Degree which lasts for two years with thesis and non-thesis options. Access to doctoral programs requires a master's degree and have a duration of minimum four years with a doctoral thesis at the end. The graduates of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry can directly apply to PhD/Doctorate programmes.

The purpose of higher education is to raise the students in line with their interests and skills, in conformance to the science policy of the country and in consideration of qualified manpower needs of society at several levels, to do researches in scientific areas, to arrange for all kinds of publications that show the research and examination results and facilitate advancement of science and technology, to finalize the researches and examinations demanded by the government and to make comments, to make written or oral public announcements explaining the scientific data that shall increase the general level of Turkish society and enlighten the public, and to give non-formal education.

According to the Law, higher education institutions are responsible for the training of their own academic staff. Meanwhile, Primary and Secondary school teachers are trained in universities for 4 years and they get a BA degree at the end.

The major source of income of state universities is the funds allocated through the annual State budget, this is equivalent of about 60% of the total university income. In addition to this, a university can generate its own income from the services provided by that university, such as patient care in university hospitals. Student contributions to state universities form only 4% of the total university budget. Meanwhile, the student fees in private foundation (Vakif) universities are much higher.

At present, enrolment in the private universities accounts for only 5% of the total. Clearly, state universities are by far carrying the major portion of the load of higher education in Turkey.

Non-formal education in Turkey is offered by a network of training centers who are supervised by the Ministry of National Education (MEB). Non-formal education services aim to teach reading-writing, help to continue education of students for finish their incomplete education, teach balanced nutrition and a healthy life style, teach people from various professions the knowledge and skills they need to improve themselves, and so on.

There is also Distance Higher Education which is offered at the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University. This program lasts for 2 or 4 years.



The UTM Global Outreach Programme is an international programme designed to develop UTM students to be global ready graduates.


Participating in the UTM Global Outreach Programme is an exciting and challenging way of broadening your personal, academic and professional horizons. Through the program, you can:

  • Globalise your educational experience by adding an international dimension to your degree;
  • Enhance academic opportunities beyond those offered at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia;
  • Establish professional and career opportunities by networking with other students, academics and professional organisations;
  • Improve language skills, cross-cultural understanding, and cross-cultural understanding and cross-cultural interpersonal communication;
  • Experience personal growth by developing self confidence, independence, and social skills; and
  • Incorporate these new experiences into your resume so that you stand out from the crowd in an ever increasingly global workforce.


In this programme, students spend one or two weeks to gain new academic, cultural and international experience.


UTM students will be considered for UTM Global Outreach Programme provided that:

  • The applicant is currently a student of UTM;
  • The applicant should possess a good academic record;
  • The applicant must agree to enrol at the host institution as described in the programme plan;
  • The applicant must agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the host institution or placement provider;
  • The applicant should demonstrate empathy and understanding of cultural difference;
  • The applicant has good health condition;
  • The applicant should demonstrate excellent personal skills; and
  • The applicant agrees to be responsible for the costs incurred.  The students may seek other sources of sponsors including that provided by UTM to subsidise some expenses including travel, accommodation and insurance.


The programme is coordinated by faculties in calloboration with UTM Pffice of International Affairs;

Students should apply through the faculties. Submit a complete UTM Global Outreach Programme paper work to Faculties for review and approval. Applications endorsed by Faculties will be forwarded to UTM Office of International Affairs for processing, and final approval by UTM.

Once your programme has been approved, submit a complete list of participants with details of parent/guardian (name, contact number and address) to Office of International Affairs to get approval for going abroad from UTM Vice Chancellor.  


Three categories of programmes includes:

  •  A technical-based, experiential approach that redefines the classroom as students learn from academics, policymakers, and other professionals in the real-world settings of communities, workplaces, organizations, and natural environments;
  • Genuine cultural immersion through cross discipline experience  and local assimilation that enables students to make connections that promote academic progress, personal growth, and intercultural understanding; and
  • Service learning that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen community engagement.

Think carefully. You should think about the country of visit, your personal and academic goals, and what kind of the programme focus area is best for you.

Talk with your faculties. Part of the application is the approval of participation form, signed by the Dean of your faculty.

Talk with your family and friends. Your family and friends know you best, and may be able to help you sort out priorities. It’s also important to make sure your family understands your programme, the location you’ve chosen, and the process the programme. You will need their support, and they will want to know about this exciting opportunity.

Think financially. UTM Global Outreach Programme is an important commitment, and financing the experience may not be as difficult as you think. Advanced planning will help tremendously. UTM may offer financial assistance. Check with your faculty and residential colleges for more information.


All participating students must have a passport, valid for at least six months after your program ends.

Students should apply as early as possible, and in some cases, passport applications may need to be expedited. For many programs, students will require one or more visas as well. Visa application processes vary widely, and some visa processes are multi-step and complicated.

The UTM Office of International Affairs helps students to understand the process for the programme.

The UTM Global Outreach Programme cannot guarantee visas for its participants, and it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to secure the appropriate visa in a timely manner.


Review Process. The UTM Global Outreach Programme committee reviews complete applications in batches by programme.
Next Step. Once you have been accepted, you will receive the following prior to your departure:

  • Approval letter from Office of Vice Chancellor (Academic & International);
  • Visa instructions, if applicable;
  •  Pre-departure materials; and
  • A letter from your Programme Advisor outlining more specific information about the program.

Upon completion of the programme, the following items are to be submitted to the Office of International Affairs:

  • Complete report with softcopy within 30 days after returning to UTM;
  • Flight boarding pass stubs (every participant)

Sunday 27 March 2011

Why Anadolu University?

Student-Centered Education
Anadolu University likes to focus on students. Our campus is small enough to be friendly but large enough to offer a wide range of programs. The facilities are up-to-date and new technologies are integrated into our curricula. High academic standards are supported by the services students need to meet these standards. Learning is not confined to the classroom. Anadolu University offers learning opportunities not just for four years but also for a lifetime.

The Faculty
Anadolu University has over 1800 faculty members who are dedicated to teaching as well as to excellence in their field. They place strong emphasis on academic endeavors and strive to make students’ learning experience as meaningful as possible. Anadolu University is also honored by the presence of distinguished scholars, eminent members of the economic, cultural and business world who teach at Anadolu University as visiting scholars.

Anadolu University has two campuses. On both campuses, all the units are equipped with technology enabling both the faculty and the students to have access to Internet facilities. The science and applied science laboratories are furnished with cutting edge technology. The Anadolu University Library and Documentation Center houses a rich collection of books and periodicals. 

The Intensive English Language Program
The School of Foreign Languages provides Anadolu University students with a year long intensive English program. The aim of the program is to increase the level of English proficiency of the students and prepare them for their undergraduate work as the language of instruction for some of the academic programs at Anadolu University is English.

Student Financial Aid
The University offers scholarships to financially disadvantaged students who meet the performance criteria set by the University. It is required that these students are enrolled in a formal education program. The recipients continue to receive this scholarship for four years as long as they meet academic requirements. Anadolu University students are able to receive financial assistance from outside sources as well. There is also a work-study program for students.

Student Profile
Each year, over 6000 students register at Anadolu University from different cities and educational backgrounds. Our students are individual young men and women with great abilities and the potential to be successful in their chosen fields of study.

Anadolu Univerisity - Chosen University for GOP TURKI 2012


Educating the next generation of young people is the main goal of Faculty of Education. The faculty aspires to train future teachers who are equipped with the know-how, technology, and compassion necessary in transferring knowledge from one individual to another. The curriculum has been designed and strengthened to improve content knowledge, and all pre-service teachers are required to participate in intensive field experience. These steps are taken so that our graduates have a greater understanding of the knowledge and the skills that their students will need to learn and a broader range of instructional strategies. 

The graduates mainly become teachers in public or private schools.


  1. Educational Technology and Computing;
  2. Arts and Crafts Education;
  3. English as a Foreign Language;
  4. English as a Foreign Language (dual diploma program with SUNY-Cortland);
  5. French as a Foreign Language;
  6. German as a Foreign Language;
  7. Mathematics Teacher Training with a Minor in Sciences;
  8. Pre-School Education, Social Studies with a Minor in Turkish;
  9. Education of the Hearing Impaired;
  10. Education of the Mentally Handicapped. 

Web : 
Tel: (0222) 335 05 79 
Faks: (0222) 335 05 79
Yunusemre Kampusü, 26470 Eskişehir - TURKEY

Saturday 26 March 2011

TURKEY- A Gateway To Paradise

Turki merupakan sebuah negara yang terletak di antara dua benua iaitu Benua Eropah & Benua Asia. Sebahagian besar Turki terletak di Semenanjung Anatolia di Asia dan sebahagian kecil wilayahnya terletak di wilayah Balkan Barat.

Turki bersempadan dengan 8 negara, iaitu:-
  • Bulgaria (Barat laut);
  • Greece (Barat);
  • Georgia, Armenia, dan Azerbaijan (Timur laut);
  • Iran (Timur); dan 
  • Iraq dan Syria di (Tenggara) 

Turki menjadi destinasi bagi pencinta seni, pengkaji budaya dan mereka yang menghargai nilai sejarah. Tidak lupa, kalau ingin membeli belah barangan sutera dan juga karpet termahal di dunia, Turki ada segalanya. Di sini tiada jurang antara budaya Eropah dan Asia. Malahan dua benua yang berbeza budaya dan agama bergabung menjadi satu di bumi Turki. 

Turki menggamit kehadiran para pengunjung dengan pelbagai tarikan mempersonakan. Segalanya tentang budaya, tradisi, kemodenan, cara hidup lama dan baru, bersedia untuk diteroka. Turki menampung lebih 73 juta penduduk dan menjadi bahasa ke tujuh terbesar di dunia. 

Lokasi menarik di lawati:- 
  • Istanbul: Blue Mosque, Hippodrome, Topkapi Palace, St Sophia dan Grand Cover Bazaar;
  • Bursa: Ulu Camaii, dan Silk Market (Pasar Sutera);
  • Pamukkale: Kolam Air Panas, Serpihan kota Hierapolis dan Cotton Castle;
  • Cappadocia: Caravanserai, dan Avanos Village (Syurga Tembikar);
  • Ankara: Mosseleum, dan Muzium Attarturk;
  • Bolu:  Uludag;
  • Ephesus: Ephesus (Kota Yunani Kuno); dan
  • Truva: Kota Troy